I just released the first beta version of oswui (ossec web ui). The code is very simple and does not require a database or anything special running in the server. Hopefully after this release some web programmers will join us to help improve it (I am not a gui person).Download it from here.
Installation instructions below:1.0 – Prerequisites
- -Apache with PHP (4.x or 5.x) installed.
- -OSSEC (version 0.9-3) already installed.
1.1 – Download the package (link)
1.2 – Uncompress/untar it and move the files to somewhere acessible by your web server
# tar -zxvf ossec-wui-0.1-BETA.tar.gz
# mv ossec-wui* /var/www/htdocs/ossec-wui
1.3 – Run the setup script
# cd /var/www/htdocs/ossec-wui
# ./setup.sh
1.4 – Add your web server user to the ossec group
# vi /etc/group
To (if your web server user is www):
1.5 – Fix the permissions for the tmp directory and restart Apache (for the new permissions to work)
# chmod 770 tmp/
# chgrp www tmp/
# apachectl restart
As the ossec-hids project, it is released under the GPL and donations are welcome.