Early this week we pushed OSSEC v2.5.1 out, but forgot to mention here in the blog. If you had issues with v2.5, you can download the new version here: http://www.ossec.net/main/downloads/
Some of the things we fixed/added:
-Logcollector crashing when using some globs.
-Logcollector crashing with the alias command monitoring.
-Analysisd crashing with report_changes enabled + local ignore rules.
-Some Windows rules were not matching properly.
-Added no_ar option to the rules (by Jeremy Rossi and Scott at atomicrocketturtle.com)
-Docs fixed by Michael Starks.
Also, if you are having issues with HPUX, try this snapshot where we fixed it: http://www.ossec.net/files/snapshots/ossec-hids-101014.tar.gz
(didn’t get included on v2.5.1).