Taken from: http://www.ossec.net/main/week-of-ossec-2woo-oct-17-23
Week of OSSEC: Day -2
Michael Starks had the great idea to get everyone together and organize the second annual week of ossec. Last year he was the only one participating, but this year we hope to have many contributions.
To get started, Syngress decided to help out and release a few chapters of the OSSEC book for free. Plus, they are giving 30% off the book for anyone interested. Just go here and use the promotion code “43663″.
The PDF’s for the book can be downloaded here:
Chapter 2 – Installation
Chapter 3 – General configuration
Chapter 4 – Writing log analysis rules
For updates on the Week of OSSEC, I will be “tweeting” new articles: @danielcid and @ddpbsd as well.
Some blogs to follow for updates:
Michael Stark
Daniel Cid’
Dan Parriott
Xavier Mertens (he already started with a nice post).
Jason Frisvold
David Dede
And I am sure many others. If you plan on contributing, send me a note and I will add your blog/twitter link here.