Running multiple OSSEC decoders on the same event

If you need to run multiple decoders on the same log to extract additional pieces of information (and at the same time do not affect the original decoder), we have a simple way to do so.

Just create multiple child decoders with the same name and no “prematch” and all of them will be evaluated. A good example is for the Microsoft event logs. This is our original decoder for Windows:

<decoder name=”windows-sub1″>
<prematch>^WinEvtLog: </prematch>
<regex offset=”after_prematch”>^\.+: (\w+)\((\d+)\): (\.+): </regex>
<regex>(\.+): \.+: (\S+): </regex>
<order>status, id, extra_data, user, system_name</order>
<fts>name, location, user, system_name</fts>

You will see that we do not extract a soure IP address from there (only user, system name, location, etc). If we wanted to extract the source IP address whenever it is available, we would need to check all the variations (Source Network Address:, Source IP Address:, etc). By using sub-decoders we can check for them without affecting the original:

<decoder name=”windows”>
<prematch>^WinEvtLog: </prematch>

<decoder name=”windows-sub1″>
<regex offset=”after_parent”>^\.+: (\w+)\((\d+)\): (\.+): </regex>
<regex>(\.+): \.+: (\S+): </regex>
<order>status, id, extra_data, user, system_name</order>
<fts>name, location, user, system_name</fts>

<decoder name=”windows-sub1″>
<regex offset=”after_regex”>Source Network Address: (\S+)</regex>

<decoder name=”windows-sub1″>
<regex offset=”after_regex”>Source IP Address: (\S+)</regex>

You see that all of them are named “windows-sub1″ and none of them have a prematch. Another option is to use the “after_regex” in the offset so OSSEC won’t check the whole string again…

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