I won’t be using this blog anymore. For new content, go to http://dcid.me/notes/
The Open Source Security (OSSEC) Blog
I won’t be using this blog anymore. For new content, go to http://dcid.me/notes/
I couldn’t stay away from it very long, so I am twitting now too (or trying to). If you want to hear the latest on ossec development, follow us there:
twitter.com/danielcid(opens in a new tab)
This is quite off topic, but too fun for me to ignore it. Great thread in the log analysis mailing list with the ugliest application logs ever.
Check it out:
LogAnalysis.org thread
I don’t know about you, but I really hate this “last message repeated X times” on Syslog. Some say that it is useful to avoid floods (denial of services) with repeated messages. Others say it keeps your log files “clean”… For me, it is completely useless. If you syslog daemon supports disabling this feature (-c on FreeBSD), please do so. A few reasons why:
To prove my point, this simple command on your Linux/Unix server: (it will generate a simple log every second)
$ while [ 1 ]; do logger "annoying..."; sleep 1; done
Wait a few minutes and check your log:
Dec 17 19:44:08 enigma dcid: annoying...
Dec 17 19:44:39 enigma last message repeated 31 times
Dec 17 19:46:40 enigma last message repeated 115 times
Dec 17 19:56:41 enigma last message repeated 589 times
The first thing you see is that the last message reported is not always the last message, but it can be the one before the last one (or more). Secondly, my logs were buffered for 40 seconds in the first time, 2 minutes in the second time and 10 minutes in the third time. Not very good for “real time” analysis (and down it goes on some compliance requirements).
As for the people who thinks it will protect you against denial of service attacks, try the following simple shell script:
$ i=0;while [ 1 ]; do logger "annoy. $i";i=`expr 1 + $i`;done
And enjoy your logs:
Dec 17 19:08:44 copacabana dcid: annoying... 1
Dec 17 19:08:45 copacabana dcid: annoying... 2
Dec 17 19:08:46 copacabana dcid: annoying... 3
Dec 17 19:08:47 copacabana dcid: annoying... 4
No, I am not dead. Nor did I leave the project do so something else. I just took a few weeks off to rest (yes, even open source developers take vacation from time to time). Thanks for caring anyway 🙂
We are back now 100%.
I am happy to announce the arrival of a new member to the ossec team. He is only 51cm tall and weights around 3.4kg, but we expect great contributions from him as soon as he can start coding. He has no name yet, but we will find one soon (no one liked the “root” idea). The whole family is happy and doing well.
*Update (Mar 16) – Finally a name was chosen: Davi Cid
I know this is off-topic for this blog, but I can’t imagine why microsoft would want to build a partnership with Novell over Linux. I heard a comment that they are doing that just to cause troubles to the Oracle move to Linux… Comments?
More info here and here.
Since everyone now has a blog, I decided to create one to do not be left alone. 🙂
Actually, this is not the only reason why I am starting this. I plan to share some thoughts and information related to ossec, log analysis, HIDS and security in general.