Pi-Hole Error: Could not update local repository. Contact Support.

When you are running Pi-Hole for the first time, you might run into an error that reads:

Could not update local repository. Contact Support.

This can be for a couple of different reasons, but these are the ones that have been most effective:

  1. Verify that you chose the right interface when installing Pi-Hole. For instance, I chose the ethernet interface on the installation process. When it went to install, it assumed the internet was on this interface. I reran the installer, chose the WiFi interface, and it worked. Alternatively, connect it via the ethernet interface and that too should work.
  2. If you are running this on a new install, or what you believe to be a new install, try running this command:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo git clone -q –depth 1 https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole.git /etc/.pihole

If it returns this, it’s an update problem, not a new install problem:

fatal: destination path ‘/etc/.pihole’ already exists and is not an empty directory.

Good luck!

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