bookmark_borderNET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID When Moving SSL Certs Between Servers

Been doing a lot of spring cleaning lately and every now and then I stumble into walls that send me down rabbit holes. Sucks for me, but it’s great for you. I use this site to document the process for myself, and in the process share some tips for anyone that might need it.

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bookmark_borderHow to capture POST Requests on Webserver / Website

Sometimes you just want to see what someone is sending to your website. But how? Access logs by themselves can be pretty vanilla, you can see that a user made a POST request, but what exactly did they send?

Caution: This could include sensitive information like log in credentials, credit card information, and other sensitive data. Oh yeah, it will create massive log files that could create Disk I/O issues as well. Recommend doing this in a testing, troubleshooting, capacity only.

You can see what’s in the POST request by using the dumpio module for Apache

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